Translation from German by Robert Hutwohl [1] “If you are finished, nothing will please you. A person who is becoming will always be more thoughtful.” Goethe. If we descend from the Olympic heights, where the pure light of the knowledge of truth dwells, to this world of appearances and look closely at samsara […]
By Brother∴ Dr. Franz Hartmann. Oriflamme 2, no. 6 (June 1903), 50- [Only part of this article is available, the rest of the pages were cut off.] Translation from German by Robert Hutwohl[1] By Br∴ Dr. Franz Hartmann, [Levels of initiation, too blurry and small to read.] In the higher degrees of Freemasonry there […]
Note[i] THE question has been asked: “What is the Philosopher’s Stone? Is it something entirely spiritual, or has it a material aspect?” The ancient Alchemists and Rosicrucians speak of that “Stone,” as if it were something substantial or material, by means of which “base metals,” such as lead or copper, could be transmuted into […]
[Das Lebens-Elixier] Translation from the German by Robert Hutwohl[1] Even in ancient times it was the wish of many people to escape death and to make themselves immortal. The alchemists of the Middle Ages sought to find a substance by the use of which one could rejuvenate the body, and their ideal was the preparation […]
Note[1] It will perhaps be asked, why in this enlightened century we desire to call attention to Alchemy, which, by the majority of mankind, is looked upon as an array of vagaries, extravagancies and superstitions, having been repeatedly ex-cathedra declared to bo such by modern scientific authorities. To those who put implicit faith in the […]
(Translated from an old German Rosicrucian Manuscript.)[1] Some years ago, after having long and earnestly prayed to Good, the unmanifested, incomprehensible cause of all things, I was attracted to Him, and by the power of his Holy Spirit — through whom all wisdom descends upon us, and who has been sent to us through […]
Note[1], [2] A strange and original little story, charmingly fantastic, but full of poetic feeling and, what is more, of deep philosophical and occult truths, for those who can perceive the ground-work it is built upon. A fresh Eclogue of Virgil in its first part, descriptive of Alpine scenery in the Tyrol, where the author […]