His Life. If one were among the twenty-two-some Masters of Wisdom on the planet, who are in charge of serving humanity, one may be asked to search for future candidates to help launch the budding Theosophical Society off the ground. One would then be observing how a certain Bavarian-born, future Doctor of Medicine, Franz Hartmann […]
Neue Lotusblüten 1, no. 7-8 (July-August 1908), 225-238
Translation from the German by Robert Hutwohl [1] “If it seems to you that I have said a few things, you are not surprised, because my things were few and far between.” Savonarola. With this, the ninety-ninth and last number of the “Lotusblüthen”, a work comes to an end, the scope of which was not understood […]
Note[1] VERY little seems to be at present known about John Pordage, a celebrated mystic of the sixteenth century, and I do not know whether any of his writings in English exist. Nevertheless his views, as far as we know them, are well worthy our attention, for it appears that for a time he occupied […]
Note[1] In the night of December 31st, 1888, Mr. and Mrs. Rose (the names, in this story are pseudonyms, but the facts are true) went to bed as poor people and on the morning of January 1st, 1889, they woke up, finding themselves rich. An uncle to whom they owed their poverty because he kept […]
Translation from the German by Robert Hutwohl [1] After Emir Abdel-Kader, from the Marabout family, had saved 12,500 Christians from the hands of Muslim fanatics through his personal courage in 1860, France awarded him the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor for this great deed. But Abd-el-Kader asked the Masonic League to take him into […]
Translation from the German by Robert Hutwohl [1] The light always shines in the darkness, but the darkness does not understand it. Millions of years ago, in an age beyond human calculation, the Queen of Wisdom dwelt in a realm of light whose splendor we cannot conceive. She was a noble woman of perfect beauty; her […]
Translation from the German by Robert Hutwohl [1] It will be clear to anyone who is accustomed at times to thinking a little more deeply than superficially, that many of the words we commonly use have a much deeper, or, what is the same here, higher, meaning than is usually supposed, and that, if people in […]
Translated from the German by Robert Hutwohl[1] The value of a doctrine consists in the benefit derived from its practical application; Theories which cannot be practically applied serve at most to satisfy scientific curiosity or to amuse the imagination, and are in most cases only childish gimmicks. What use are the best laws if they […]
Translation from the German by Robert Hütwohl[1] The Light of Absolute Truth, entering the soul by the power of intuition, belongs to a higher and immortal existence, not to what is mortal in man. The reflection of that heavenly light is called “mind.” He endows man with the ability to think, from which his science […]