Translation from German by Robert Hutwohl[1] Theosophical life is life in self-knowledge of the true, the good and the beautiful in all spheres of existence. One lives theosophically when one lives wisely; for the word “theosophy” in its true sense means the highest wisdom. One lives wisely when one knows the laws of life […]
Hartmann, F. (1884). Report of Observations Made During a Nine Month Stay at the Headquarters of the Theosophical Society at Adyar, Madras, India. Scotland: Graves, Cookson and CO.
Correspondence to the Editor, The Path magazine. DEAR SIR AND BROTHER— The Vahan states that the American Section has seceded from the main body of the T.S. This is not true in my opinion. I know of no other T.S. than the one started in America. My diploma (dated December 29, 1882) is signed by […]
Note: [1] KUMARILA BHATTA. In the Editorial note in reply to a Hindu Theosophist’s query, whether some Rishis of old do exist in the flesh and blood, you pertinently ask him whether he is prepared to accept literally the popular interpretation of— (Ahalyáya járah surapati rabhudátmatanayám ; praja natho, &c. &c.,) wherein Indra is […]
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Translated from German by Robert Hutwohl[1] [2] The generally prevailing movement, which can be called “theosophical” to distinguish it from purely speculative philosophical research, as well as the continuous formation of new associations that pursue similar goals to the “Theosophical Society,” show that a union of all those who strive for the knowledge of truth […]
Note:[1] My dear Judge: Having just read the February number of Lucifer containing the statements of Mr. Mead, Bert. Keightly, and others, I am impressed to write to you the following. If Theosophy (divine wisdom or spiritual self-knowledge) were a system of creeds, and the “Theosophical Society” with its officers something like a […]
Dr. Hartmann Reads the “Postscript.”[1] “My dear Judge:—What is the matter? Has the world become struck with blindness, and does the President of the T.S. not know what Theosophy is? Have all the lectures of Mrs. Besant been after all nothing but eloquence mixed with gush? Do our own Theosophical writers only repeat parrot-like […]
Translation from German by Robert Hutwohl[1] The reason for the current noise and discord among the “theosophical societies” is that these societies are theosophical only in name, not in reality. “Theosophy” is knowledge of God, and knowledge of God is divine (selfless) love. Therefore, the basis of every true theosophical society is not know-it-alls, quarreling, […]