• Note [1] Mr. E. Wilke of San Francisco, U. S., America, inquires whether Madame Blavatsky has changed her mind in regard to the character of spirits communicating at spiritual seances; because “Isis Unveiled,” Vol. I., page 67, says: “We are far from believing that all the spirits that communicate at circles are of the classes […]

  • [Spiritismus und Nekromantie] Translation from the German by Robert Hütwohl.[1] “Let the dead rest.” “Spiritism,” is to be distinguished from “spiritualism,” which means a philosophy on a spiritual basis, in contrast to “materialism,” denotes communication with the spirit world in general and specifically communication with the remains of deceased people who are still present in […]

  • Translation from the German by Robert Hutwohl[1] Motto: “The Self is Man!” There is a lot of talk these days about spiritualism, “mediumship, hypnotism,” “spirit guides,” and the like, and the highest desire of many is to train themselves to become a “medium” and to learn the tempting secrets of the “astral plane.” The question […]