Translation from German by Robert Hutwohl[1] On June 7, 1905, one of the greatest inventors and one of the most brilliant men, Dr. Karl Kellner, died suddenly in Vienna at the age of 54. The leading medical authorities treated him during his illness, but all of them contradicted each other in their opinions, and no […]
Translation from German by Robert Hutwohl[1] “Ridiculous!” said the red-haired Dr. N. . . ., one of the learned men of the F. P. circles, and a smile of the deepest contempt appeared on his usually expressionless face as he glanced at the cover of a book by Cornelius Agrippa which I held before […]
Translation from German by Robert Hutwohl[1] It is now almost two years since a natural event, in which the lives of several people were at stake, attracted a great deal of public attention. Many readers will remember the “Lugloch Cave Affair”, about which all newspapers at home and abroad carried daily reports. A number of […]
[Die Neue Lotusblüten und die Gefahren des “Okkultismus.” Translation from the German by Robert Hutwohl.[1] Motto: “What use is a science which is not also a religion?”—Jacob Böhme. Since this issue begins a new year of the “Lotusblüten,” it seems fitting to say a few words about the purpose of this journal, which is to […]
Note[1] It will perhaps be asked, why in this enlightened century we desire to call attention to Alchemy, which, by the majority of mankind, is looked upon as an array of vagaries, extravagancies and superstitions, having been repeatedly ex-cathedra declared to bo such by modern scientific authorities. To those who put implicit faith in the […]
(Translated from an old German Rosicrucian Manuscript.)[1] Some years ago, after having long and earnestly prayed to Good, the unmanifested, incomprehensible cause of all things, I was attracted to Him, and by the power of his Holy Spirit — through whom all wisdom descends upon us, and who has been sent to us through […]
Some Mysterious Ants[1] It sometimes seems as if we were at the eve of a new period of witchcraft, like that of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, where it was even by learned people believed that insects and worms, lice and fleas could be produced by magic spells. Modern science, of course, does not believe […]
I.Premature Cremation[1], [2], [3] PERHAPS many of the readers of the Occult Review residing in Switzerland will remember the death of Mr. H——, a well-known and prominent member of the Federal Council, who suddenly died at his office in the federal palace at Bern, about three years ago, and whose body was brought to Zürich […]
Note:[1] Figure 1, Roof and pillars of a Temple on page 320 My last paper contained an account regarding the clairvoyant powers of a German peasant woman, residing in the suburbs of this town, Kempten.[2] After mailing it, it occurred to me to test her psychometrical powers with letters, and I therefore went to her […]
.Note: [i] The Daily Telegraph of March 7 contains the following announcement: TRIAL FOR WITCHCRAFT. Berlin, Tuesday. A trial for witchcraft, which has just been held in the Upper Palatinate, is attracting wide attention as a forcible illustration of the depths of ignorance and superstition in which large districts of Southern Germany are still sunk. […]