• [Mystik und “Mystizismus.”] Translation from the German by Robert Hutwohl[1] If we want to pass judgment on Christian mysticism, we must first of all distinguish it from a pathological mysticism. True mysticism is the spiritual cognition of religious truths which springs from inward illumination by the light of truth (the Holy Spirit); mysticism is a […]

  • (Translated from an old German Rosicrucian Manuscript.)[1]   Some years ago, after having long and earnestly prayed to Good, the unmanifested, incomprehensible cause of all things, I was attracted to Him, and by the power of his Holy Spirit — through whom all wisdom descends upon us, and who has been sent to us through […]

  • [Geheime Liebe] Translation from the German by Robert Hutwohl[1] Among friends of mystical literature there is now much talk of the “occult doctrine”; but little is said about “secret love,” and yet the spirit and deep meaning of the secret or “occult” teaching, in spite of all printed explanations, remains eternally “occult” or hidden from […]