• Translation by Robert Hutwohl[1] Cagliostro is not identical with Josef Balsamo. The “Occult Review” (London) recently published a detailed article about this. The deliberate mixing of Cagliostro with the vagabond Balsamo is the work of a notorious blackmailer of the time named Thevenau de Maraude [R.H.—Charles Théveneau de Morande], who invented his slanders on behalf […]

  • Note[i] “The fulness of time has taken place, and the kingdom of God has arrived. Repent and believe in the gospel of truth.”—J. B. Jacob Boehme was born in the year 1575, at Alt Seidenburg, a place about two miles distant from Goerlitz in Germany. He was the son of poor country people, and in […]

  • (Founder of the Order of Jesuits) [1] The study of comparative religion being one of the objects of the Theosophical Society, it may be of some interest to compare the yoga-practices of the Roman Catholic Church with those described in the Oriental writings. We will then find that they are to a certain extent identical, […]

  • A Study of His Views and Some Extracts From His Writings.[1] JACOB BOEHME, “the god-taught philosopher” and greatest German mystic of the sixteenth century, was a poor and uneducated shoemaker: nevertheless he wrote a great many books, and his writings have furnished the foundations upon which most of the greatest German philosophers have built the […]

  • I.–Deity; II.–The Universe III.–The Constitution of these Beings IV.–The Constitution of the Universe.[1] Such is the title of an old book,—printed in the German language in the year A. D. 1784, and published in the city of Leipzig by one who calls himself “An Unknown of the Quadrilateral Light.” The book contains many startling and […]

  • [Michael de Molinos. Biographisches.][1] Translation from the German by Robert Hutwohl It is now over two hundred years since a Neapolitan monk named Albertini came to Rome with the intention of publishing a work he had written on theology, and through the employment of the Secretary of State, Cardinal Cibo, was given a room in […]

  •  Note[1] VERY little seems to be at present known about John Pordage, a celebrated mystic of the sixteenth century, and I do not know whether any of his writings in English exist. Nevertheless his views, as far as we know them, are well worthy our attention, for it appears that for a time he occupied […]

  • The Occult Review 11, no. 1 (January 1910) 11-15. [1] One day in the year 1884 I was talking with H. P. Blavatsky in her room at Adyar. We spoke about reincarnation and other things, and in the course of conversation I expressed a wish to have her portrait. Without answering she went to a drawer […]