No man can be self-conscious of any other state of existence than the one in which he for the time being exists.[1] BY means of perceiving with our external or internal senses we may become conscious of the presence of beings differing in their qualities from our own, but we cannot be self-conscious of […]
Compiled from the writings of a Labourer.) Introduction.[1] ABSOLUTE Truth is self-evident.[2] It is recognised by all who are in possession of a sufficient amount of Reason to see it; but those who are not able to see it require intellectual proofs and logical arguments to persuade themselves that it exists. Everybody knows that one […]
II. Truth Is Truth.[1] Illusions Are Merely Illusions. TRUTH means Reality, Substantiality, Being, Self-existence. Illusion means unreality, unsubstantiality, non-being, external appearances produced by invisible causes. Truth is, it cannot be made or destroyed, it cannot be an illusion, even if those who cannot see it imagine it to be one; an illusion cannot be a truth, […]
[Das kommende Zeitalter der Besessenheit] Translation from the German by Robert Hütwohl[1] “People never feel the devil, Even if he had them by the collar.” (Faust.) A wise scholar had lately, as a result of a statistical compilation, stated that if the increase in insanity continues for a few hundred years at the current rate, […]
[Die Tierseele] Translation from the German by Robert Hütwohl.[1] There is a law written on the soul of every sane person, but not everyone obeys it because the mind has not yet fully grasped it. There are certain truths which everyone knows but which are little heeded; for precisely because they are self-explanatory, one thinks […]
Note[1] Goethe says in his “Faust”: “Reason and science are the greatest gifts possessed by mortal man.” The light of truth absolute, shining in his soul by the power of intuition belongs to a higher and immortal state and not to that which is mortal in man. The reflection of that celestial light is called […]
[Die Abschaffung der Todesstrafe] Translation from the German by Robert Hutwohl[1] What is a crime—The name seems to indicate that it designates an act whereby the connection, which exists between the personal mortal man and his original, true, divine nature, is broken. By committing a crime a man commits, as it were, spiritual suicide; he […]
Translation from the German by Robert Hutwohl [1] “If it seems to you that I have said a few things, you are not surprised, because my things were few and far between.” Savonarola. With this, the ninety-ninth and last number of the “Lotusblüthen”, a work comes to an end, the scope of which was not understood […]
Translated from the German by Robert Hutwohl[1] The value of a doctrine consists in the benefit derived from its practical application; Theories which cannot be practically applied serve at most to satisfy scientific curiosity or to amuse the imagination, and are in most cases only childish gimmicks. What use are the best laws if they […]