Theosophical Correspondence.
Translation from German by Robert Hutwohl[1]
Question: — Is Jesus Christ in every person?
Answer: — This would be very desirable, but unfortunately it is not the case. In those who have an interest only in material, sensual or intellectual things, there is nothing of the spirit of Christ to be found. In the many pious “Christians” it exists only as an idea, which has also taken on a completely wrong form as a result of a false theological conception; but in those rare people who possess the true spirit of Christ, which is divine love, the divine ideal can become embodied and the human personality can attain immortal existence through union or “fusion” with it. He who holds this divine ideal within himself and nurtures and nourishes it has Jesus Christ bodily within him and is reborn in his spirit. For him who does not have this ideal, it cannot become reality in him; he is not fit for this. Therefore the apostle Paul also says: “Do you not know yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you? Unless you are unfit (for this).” (II Corinthians 13:5) If someone only imagines that he has Jesus Christ in him, but does not feel the divine life within him, then for him he exists only as a figment of his own imagination.
[1] Hartmann, F. (1907) “Theosophical Correspondence. Is Jesus Christ in every person?” Hutwohl, R. (trans.), Theosophischer Wegweiser 8, no. 10 (July), 303. [Translation from German by Robert Hutwohl, ©2025]