Theosophical Correspondence.

Translation from German by Robert Hutwohl[1]


          Question: — Is it right for a sect to cover up and conceal the scandals that occur within it in order not to damage its reputation?

          Answer: — It is not always advisable to make a big deal about everything that happens in a club, but it depends on the nature of the ideal that is being set. If a sect declares the truth to be its highest ideal, then it should not suppress the truth; but if it is primarily concerned with its reputation, then it should choose the motto: “There is nothing higher for us than public opinion.”



[1] Hartmann, F. (1907). “Theosophical Correspondence. Is it right for a sect to cover up and conceal the scandals that occur within it in order not to damage its good reputation? Hutwohl, R., (trans.), Theosophischer Wegweiser 8, no. 8 (May), 248. [Translation from German by Robert Hutwohl, ©2025}