Theosophical Correspondence.
Translation from German by Robert Hutwohl[1]
Black Magic.
Question: — Is “black magic” still practiced today?
Answer: — Incredibly much. We could name a list of well-known people who have been ruined by it, especially those who followed the suggestions or advice from black magical-sources. One must not allow oneself to be tempted to do something that contradicts one’s own reason by the high-sounding phrases of “spirits” who speak through spiritual mediums. The “devil”[2] can also disguise himself as an angel, and a good comedian can deliver the most unctuous sermons and yet be a liar. There is no doubt that black magic influences are constantly at work to hinder the progress of the theosophical movement and to remove its representatives from the way. Many a person who imagines himself to be a fighter for the truth is, without knowing it or wanting it, a servant of the father of lies.
The Miracles of Jesus of Nazareth.
Question: — Are the miracles of Jesus of Nazareth described in the New Testament to be understood as stories of external historical events or as allegories?
Answer: — It is clear to every experienced mystic, i.e. one who has experienced the events described in the New Testament internally, that the stories of Christ’s miracles are largely pictorial representations of inner processes that take place in every person who has awakened to spiritual life and that he can observe in himself. Jesus, in the mystical sense, means the light of knowledge.[3] When this light is revealed in the soul, then the spiritually blind are healed from the blinding ignorance and made to see by coming to the knowledge of the truth. Where the will and the imagination unite in this light, the knowledge of the truth transforms the “water” of earthly thinking into the “wine” of higher thinking, permeated by it. Likewise, a few words can suffice to feed not just five thousand, but countless people hungry for the knowledge of the truth. In a similar way, the miracles of Jesus are self-explanatory for those who are experienced.
The atheistic interpretation of the biblical stories, which seeks to make Christ now a hypnotist and conjurer, now a friendly family doctor, now a religious fanatic, magnetizer, naturopath, evangelical pastor and the like, testifies to a complete lack of understanding of the true spirit of religion. To show what blossoms materialism can produce when it concerns itself with religious matters, here are a few passages taken from a work on “occult sciences”:
“The simplest example of a New Testament “collective suggestion” is the transformation of water into wine based on a sensory illusion, as Christ brought about at the wedding at Cana. This achievement proves the importance of the skill in producing suggestive phenomena for his entire life. The purpose of such productions is also clear from the words: “Unless you see signs and wonders, you will not believe.”[4]
According to this, Christ would have been a deceiver who gave people a “blue haze” to make them believe that he was a magician.
Then comes something even more strange:
“Other examples of mass suggestion are the famous feeding of the “five thousand” with seven loaves of bread and a few fish. This also involves the awakening of sensory illusions, the illusion of eating and being full through appropriate verbal and gestural suggestions.” — — —
It is not said whether the “five thousand” had a growling stomach after the effect of the suggestion had worn off, or what they said when they found themselves deceived. Truly, there is only one step from the sublime to the ridiculous!
[1] Hartmann, F. (1908). “Theosophical Correspondence. Black magic. The miracles of Jesus of Nazareth.” Hutwohl, R. (trans.), Theosophischer Wegweiser 9, no. 6 (March), 198-200. [Translation from the German by Robert Hutwohl, ©2025]
[2] R.H.—Both exoteric Christianity and esoteric Christianity teach this. But it is only esoteric Christianity, based on the principles of the Ancient Wisdom, which accurately describe what is actually taking place. Exoteric Christianity deceives (knowingly and unknowingly) and gives out the incorrect explanation. The leaders of the exoteric of the Church, for the main part, are ignorant and under educated as to the phenomena occurring. The church has allowed itself to be mislead, as the Catholic church, although they have access to true knowledge of the Ancient Wisdom, give out a false message, solely in order to maintain power Their main objective is to delude their masses. Thus, the problem is not with the vehicle of the Church, but the drivers of the vehicle.
[3] [R.H.—Buddhi. The plane of Buddhi and kāma or the emotional plane work as a pair. Thus, it will be seen, the more the emotional is purified, the more intuition or Buddhi will be expressed.]
[4] [R.H.—Somewhat, H. P. Blavatsky used similar toned-down methods with the intention of getting people to focus on the Ancient Wisdom. Her motives were not attention-seeking from an egotistical level or selfish intent. Her incarnation was solely for the purpose of serving humanity and the Masters of Wisdom.]