Translation from German by Robert Hutwohl[i]
All occultists, regardless of which denomination they belong to, were saddened by this news.
The passing of this steadfast champion of truth, intellectual freedom and ethical advancement represents a great, irreplaceable loss for all of us.
Dr. Franz Hartmann died on August 7th of this year in Kempten in the Allgäu at the age of 74. He only had to endure a short period of illness.
Up until the last days of his blessed life, the deceased worked tirelessly to spread and scientifically establish occultism in word and writing, and the theosophical movement in particular has every reason to remain forever grateful to him. He understood how to grasp the idea of a general brotherhood of mankind in a truly pure and noble sense, and his numerous works bear witness to the fact that the spirit of goodness was alive in him. He did not live his life in vain. In faithful fulfillment of his task, he worked diligently on the great edifice of knowledge and added many firmly established pillars to it. His great life’s work is a sowing of spiritual values, the fruits of which will bring great blessings to posterity.
Without falling into the error of glorifying humanity, it is nevertheless the duty of a just way of thinking to recognize that the deceased was one of those rare people who prove themselves. His selfless work in the service of the refinement of humanity is exemplary.
What he said will echo in all hearts and what he wrote will serve as a postulate for all true enlightenment.
Even if life has not woven roses for him—as it has not for any apostle of truth—even if it was a path of suffering for him: the reward cannot be withheld from him, now he will receive it, now the seed he has sown will bear fruit for him too. But we want to always remember the departed bold warrior, the profound philosopher and true mystic with feelings of gratitude, admiration and veneration.
Peace be with him!
The editorial team.
[i] Obituary to Franz Hartmann, M.D. Prana. Organ for applied occult sciences. Monthly magazine for the promotion of the occult movement. Editor, Karl Brandler-Pracht. Volume 3, no. 12 (September 1912). [Prana. Organ für angewandte Geheimwissensehaften. Monatsschrift zur Förderung der okkultistischen Bewegung. Schriftleitung. Karl Brandler-Pracht. Jahrgang III. Heft 12. September 1912.