Neue Lotusblüten 2, no. 11-12 (November-December 1909), 321-322.

Translation by Robert Hutwohl[1]

“True knowledge is the gateway to immortality.”

There are two kinds of knowledge; what one has acquired from others and what one has acquired through personal experience. H. P. Blavatsky says:

     Anyone who is still addicted to doubt and would like to know what can be true in occult science will learn more in one year from studying it than can be taught in all universities and colleges about the phenomena of life; But how much happier is he who in truth leads a life of the spirit that is not interrupted and does not stand still even during those periods which are the stops on the long pilgrimage of the purely spiritual life. If a person, by overcoming his selfishness and personality, comes to know himself as he actually is behind the veil, he will soon be above all suffering, misfortune and all vicissitudes of existence. Such a person is material (like the others) in physical relation and moves in his material environment, but he still lives above and outside it. His body is subject to change, but he himself is free from it; he gains immortal life while dwelling in ephemeral bodies which are short-lived. All of this can be achieved through the development of an all-embracing, selfless love for humanity and through overcoming egoism, which is the cause of all error and all tribulation which arises from it.


[1] Learning and Experiencing [Erlernen und Erleben. Franz Hartmann, M.D. Neue Lotusblüten 2, no. 11-12 (November-December 1909), 321-322 {This article was reformatted from the original, but with the content unchanged other than fixing minor typos, by Robert Hutwohl, ©2025}