From Germany.—
Dr. Thaddens Hyatt:
Rifredi, Italy, April 7, 1904.[1]
Dear Sir:—Your welcome letter of March 22 has been received with thanks. Although I am not occupying any official position in any of the different Theosophical Societies, nevertheless I am authorized to say on behalf of my very numerous friends in those Theosophical groups in Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bohemia, Switzerland and Italy, that they all wish you good success at your Convention and that this Convention may help to strengthen the principle of Universal Brotherhood, which is the foundation of the Theosophical Society as a whole and the link which unites all its members, no matter to what party they may belong or under what flag they may sail.
The realization of the first object of the T. S., namely, to form a nucleus of Universal Brotherhood, however, is exceedingly difficult and far more so than the two other objects, namely, the study of Eastern literature and the investigation of the laws of nature or the acquisition of psychic powers, and if it were to be made a condition for membership, such a nucleus would necessarily be very small indeed; for at the present state of our evolution it can hardly be expected that any great number of human beings could be found, loving each other as brothers; if they succeed in attaining the power to tolerate each other, they will have accomplished a great deal.
The fall of man from the original divine state has been caused by the separation of Intelligence from Love, and this separation has also been the cause of the splitting up of the church into different sects. Opinions divide, love unites and the salvation of mankind from ignorance, error and suffering depends on the reunion of Love with Intelligence from which arises the realization of immortal Life. Real knowledge means Realization. We can only realize that which is our own. Therefore, the more our love expands, the greater will the field of our knowledge grow. The acquisition of the power of universal love opens the door to divine wisdom and to the understanding of the secrets of nature and of man.
These are the sentiments by which the great majority of the members of the above-mentioned Theosophical Societies are led, and they extend to the members of the T. S. A. their hands across the ocean as a token of fellowship and as comrades on the way that leads to the awakening of real self-consciousness and the realization of eternal truth.
Yours very sincerely and fraternally,
[1] Collected by Robert Hutwohl ©2025